
Healthy Items for a Better Lifestyle


We are the nutritions and health care experts

Cell Health Universal is an enterprise to work for the cause of the RamaKrishna Health Line led by Dr. VRK in India. It supplies high-quality nutritional supplements as required by RHL for its patients. It manufactures, imports, and also outsources high quality synthetic- free & chemical-free dietary supplements & also VRK diet food as required by the Rama Krishna Health Line. Cell Health LLC also started its health clinic in Dubai with Dr. VRK’s health initiative. It is also in the plan to open a number of franchise clinics across the UAE & globally, as said by Dr. VRK Health Initiative.

Rama Krishna Health Line, under the guidance of Dr. VRK, is a non profit organisation, serving the people with a team of doctors who treat all incurable diseases from cough to cancer free of cost with no consultation, registration, & doctor fees & Dr. VRK doesn’t charge a penny from patients presently in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Treatment is only through proper diet & dietary supplements addressing the root cause of the infection & killing the infection cell through proper diet & dietary supplements Improving the Immunity of Health Cells & keeping the infection cells starving is the open secret of Dr. VRK Rocket science in a nutshell. 

Cell Health Universal is the commercial sector that arranges all dietary supplements & diets & keeps them available for the patients in the centre leaving the option of using them or not entirely to the patients choice.

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Pharmacy Store

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Drug Store

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Opening hours

Sunday Close
Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Monday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tues Day 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Expert Solutions to Your Health Problems

Our experts are always here to help you get the best supplements according to your health problems that are sure to make positive changes in your body and help you recover and get stronger from the inside.
Why Choose Us

Our clients betterment is what we work for

Honest & Transparent

We are committed to being true to our customers and providing the right and effective supplements.

Ayurvedic & Herbal

All our products are made by following ayurvedic techniques, which ensure that they are of the highest quality possible.

Wide Range

Our supplement chain includes a wide range of products like dietary supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food supplements, and more.

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