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Digestion and Cleansing. Thanks to its heating qualities, punarnava enkindles agni
(digestive fire) and can help stimulate a sluggish digestive system. It’s opening and cleansing,
helping to cleanse out excess kapha, which makes way for nourishment to reach the tissues.

Healthy Weight Management. Punarnava assists the body with breaking down and
digesting fat and absorbing excess fluids in the digestive system. This makes it an effective
weight management ally—especially for those naturally prone to gaining weight.

Liver and Kidney Health. Well-known as a tonic for the liver and kidneys, punarnava is
often used to support these areas of the body.
Joint Comfort and Mobility. Punarnava has been traditionally used to bring comfort to the
joints and muscles. It promotes comfortable movement of the joints, providing relief from
joints experiencing pain due to imbalanced kapha.

Supporting the Lungs. Its heating qualities also make it a powerful herb for melting excess
kapha in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Heart Health. Punarnava is said to be an excellent and nourishing herb for heart health due in
part to its clearing action in the circulatory system


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